Welcome to the Nielsen Facilities Request Portal

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Email Address as your user name.

If you are unable to sign in, you may submit your request to a customer service representative 24 hours per day by calling:

US Toll Free 800-634-8009
Australia 0011-800-2000-8844
Israel 00-800-2000-8844
Malaysia 00-800-2000-8844
New Zealand 00-800-2000-8844
Philippines 00-800-2000-8844
Singapore 001-800-2000-8844
South Africa 00-800-2000-8844
South Korea 002-800-2000-8844
Thailand 001-800-2000-8844
Argentina 00-800-2000-8844
Brazil 0021-800-2000-8844
Colombia 009-800-2000-8844
Puerto Rico 800-634-8009
Uruguay 00-800-2000-8844

For all other countries please call country code: 001 1-800-634-8009

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If you are unable to sign in, you may submit your request to customer service representative 24 hours per day by calling toll-free, US Toll Free 800-634-8009

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